Join Leading Pricing and RGM Experts Near You!

Gain immense value from meetups designed to help you address emerging challenges, share successful experiences, and discover concrete solutions to support your future RGM initiatives.

Upcoming Peer Expert Network (PEN) Meeting

EPP PEN London

September 23, 2024

Implementing a value price strategy

About EPP PEN Meetings

Local EPP PEN Meetings consist of seasoned Pricing and RGM professionals. Industry Leaders seeking inspiration and opportunities to reflect- and discuss – the future roadmaps of pricing and RGM with top experts and business influencers.

Gain immense value from meetups designed to help you address emerging challenges, share successful experiences and discover concrete solutions to support your future pricing and RGM initiatives.

Exclusive Groups of
Industry Leaders

  • PEN groups consist of seasoned professionals in leadership roles.
  • All members are influential change drivers in their companies.
  • PEN is not for consultants/solution providers

Peer Environment

  • Confidentiality and trust are paramount, ensuring open discussions.

  • Direct competitors are not placed in the same groups.

Open, Neutral
and Unbiased

  • This is for practitioners to learn, discuss, reflect and to provide diverse perspectives.

  • Discussions are content-driven, with no sales pitches allowed.

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